Cast-off! The Tornado Blue goes to sea – join us!

Only for Miramar guests! Special excursions and cultural trips with the lovingly restored „Tornado Blue“ – a more than 120 years old fishing vessel.

The 14 meter long wooden ship with the name “Tornado Blue”, was launched in 1899 and served as a fishing boat for many years. Lovingly completely renovated, it is now available as an excursion boat. It can comfortably accommodate twelve people, has sanitary facilities, a small salon, sundeck with benches and sun loungers, as well as a kitchen and a wooden deck with a large dining table.

Liliana Stipanić, fisherman’s daughter, Miramar's vize-director for many years and a „connoisseur“ of her home – the Kvarner Bay and the Adriatic, organizes exciting boat excursions. Her husband Roni acts as captain and cook on board, Liliana as host and trained guide. She knows a lot and she tells a lot: informative and curious things from everyday Croatian life and the history of Croatia and all what you want to know from her!

The program includes panoramic trips along the Kvarner coast, such as swimming trips to hidden bays (also nudist) or sightseeing tours to the islands or to Rijeka to see the market place there.

The excursions are unique – why you ask?
The small number of participants of maximum 12 people, exclusively guests of the Hotel Miramar and a delicious fish lunch on board ot the Tornado Blue! Fresh fish, salad and vegetables from Grandma’s garden prepared directly on board! Malvazija wine and „Lilicello“ you have to try!

More info and booking at the hotel reception desk. 

Steigen Sie ein und fahren Sie mit ...

„Die Tornado blue fährt dieses Jahr neu gepolstert, sodass die Passagiere die interessanten Fahrten noch bequemer genießen können. Kapitän Roni bereitet Ihnen in der Bordküche frischen Fisch zu, der Ihnen anschließend von Lili serviert wird, während die Kulisse von Moscenicka Draga oder Rijeka vorüber ziehen. Frische Mangold und „Pyjama Salat“ aus Lilis Garten werden für die Zubereitung der Beilage verwendet. Die Eier von glücklichen Hühnern kommen in Lilis legendäre Palatschinken, die dann noch mit hausgemachten Birnenlikör verfeinert werden!

Natur, Meer und Liebe ….  was braucht man mehr auf der Tornado blue? Kommen Sie mit!